What is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

It is how a browser finds resources (web pages, files, forms,...)


  • https://cccworkshop.net

  • https://cccworkshop.net/best-practices

  • https://re-connections.org

  • https://cccworkshop.net.tst.testing

  • http://cccworkshop.net.tst.testing/atest?id=test&password=failed

    • In the two above example, the real domain is: tst.testing

  • http://something.com-some.dot/aaa

    • This is a new one that I have seen several times. Any time you see a .com-some.dot this should be a very red flag. It is setting the real domain to com-some.dot or (com-xxxxxx.xxx) the scammers want you to think it is something.com (it is not)